A little about me
My choices and my why
How I ended up in Sweden.
I am Belgian, my wife is Swedish, and she lived in Belgium with me for over 15 years. Then we felt it was time to move to Sweden, closer to her family, and we came to Varberg in 2022.
How could I best use my knowledge and experience in my new country?
I have over 30 years of experience in business roles and as a coaching leader in various B2B companies, as well as experience as an external consultant and coach, all of this often internationally and in several languages.
Next to that, I also have over 40 years of practicing body and mind training (martial arts, yoga, etc.).
Why organizational & business development as well as professional & personal development?
I am strongly convinced that we can increase both our own well-being and our organizations’ success when we get better at combining goal-oriented efficiency with healthy sustainability - in the way we think, make decisions, and act. And I want to help people to achieve this, both individually and as a team.
Why do I focus on companies and organizations?
First, my knowledge and experience from my career fits particularly well there. Then, developments in companies and organizations affect many people and society in general. If they themselves are successful in a sustainable way, they can create more positive ripples in the water. And I can help them to be sustainably successful.
I want to contribute to sustainability in a broad sense.
My geographical prioritization
There are in principle no geographical restrictions today. At the same time ... > I know the importance of personal contact in this type of collaboration, > and I also think about sustainability. Therefore, my geographical prioritization is: > Halland & Gothenburg > Other places that are easily accessible from Varberg (preferably by train) > Internationally according to my clients' needs

Therefore, I give priority where possible to clients who, for example, have a connection between their mission and the Global Goals defined by the UN.