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Koen De WIlde_kleur_83_clip.jpg
Koen De Wilde_kleur_84_clip.jpg

Professional Sparring/Coaching

For you as a leader and as a co-worker

Do you recognise yourself? Your reality today involves not only continuous change, new opportunities, and new challenges but also less clearly defined roles. And you both want and need to work efficiently and goal-oriented, be flexible, and manage your stress and personal development. It demands a lot from you. Then you need to (further) develop a crucial ability beyond your knowledge and experience: the ability to consciously steer your own thinking, decision-making, and actions. It involves continuous development, and it is very useful to, at certain times - related to a concrete current challenge - work with a professional sparring partner/coach with an approach that suits you.

So what is specific to my sparring/coaching approach?

To start with, are you more rational-logically focused or more intuitively focused? In my way of sparring/coaching, I use a flexibility so that it suits both orientations. Both orientations have their advantages and pitfalls. I am convinced that the key to effective and sustainable self-steering is to strengthen both our rational thinking and our intuitive competence, and to combine them optimally.

I combine insights and concrete methods from my own broad professional experience (see link below), professional coaching education (under same link), neuroscience, and my own body & mind training. Then, as with my consulting, here too, I help my clients on two levels at the same time: > In dealing with their concrete current challenge, of course. > To develop a ‘self-steering’ that is effective and goal oriented, as well as healthy and sustainable. Here, the latter is about the steering of one’s own thinking, decision-making and actions. I use the word steering to emphasize that you do it actively and purposefully. It requires a strong inner compass, a strong drive, and a powerful grip on the helm. This is achieved by combining increased insight with concrete practical tools.

Up to C- and Board level.

Languages: SV, NL, EN, FR, (DE).

More concretely - what can you expect from your sparring/coaching?

You find more information in the link below.


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